Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Week Sixty-Six: Can I go up?

Dear People,

Our golden investigator, Chang-eun: "What is going on?"

Elder Brown: "It's called testimony meeting, anyone who wants to can go up and bear their testimony about something."

Chang-eun: "Does everyone have to go up?"

Elder Brown: "Haha no, only if they want to."

Chang-eun: "Can I go up?"

Elder Brown: "          "  (the sound of me being speechless)

He gave a lovely testimony about how he's been praying before he starts work recently and has noticed a huge difference in how his day goes. He also talked about how the we've been texting him scriptures and even though he honestly has no idea what they mean, he feels that they contain truth and wisdom. His testimony more powerful that anyone else that went up day. 
It's so humbling to meet people that are as prepared as him.

Speaking of being humbled to meet spiritually mature people, last week I had a cool experience that I didn't have time to write about.
I was riding a train to somewhere and sat down next to an older woman who immediately started asking questions about Jesus Christ. After a lot of conversation she told me that she was Buddhist. It was obvious that she was devout and lived what she believed. She talked a lot about the most important principle I have learned on my mission.

She expressed her frustration with religions that contend with one another especially with Christians who persecute Buddhists and she shared a very important analogy and I'll paraphrase:

"Everyone is aiming for the same destination. You and I are both traveling to Daejeon and we both happen to be going by train, but if you had chosen to go by airplane that wouldn't be wrong, it would just be a different route. Some people are going by car, some might be walking. Some routes may be faster and some may be slower but they can all lead to the same place."

This analogy is full of truth but one thing is missing. It's so true that every human is aiming for the same destination. We crave lasting happiness and peace. Whether we know it or not, every decision we make is made because we are hoping it will lead us to that destination. The truth that is missing from the analogy is that we don't have a diverse selection of routes to pick from.

 "And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can [reach the destination they seek]. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ. . ." 2 Nephi 31:21

"And this is the means whereby [we reach our destination]. And there is none other [lasting peace and happiness] than this which hath been spoken of; neither are there any conditions whereby man can [feel completely clean] except the conditions which I have told you." Mosiah 4:8

I struggle so much and feel hypocritical to testify of Jesus Christ sometimes because I am barely learning to repent and be humble. But I really do know that He lives and is the only route that works. I know the plan of salvation is real. I know that when we break commandments we feel really bad and when we resist temptation we feel really good. Every time. It always works. If you have time to pray for me please pray that I will feel really bad when I make mistakes and really good when I resist temptation. 

Life is so good with Jesus Christ.

Elder Brown

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