Wednesday, August 29, 2018

August 13, 2018: Home Evening

Dear People,

Bishop Jung invited us and Hye-ran to their home evening yesterday and we got to do the lesson. Elder Cragun had the idea to break up the chronology of the plan of salvation and have each person draw their part. Then they would go in order and give a brief explanation of their portion (pre-mortal life, earth life, death, kindoms of glory, etc.)

We had a great time and learned that the members have some interesting ideas about the plan of salvation.

Bishop Jung has apparently been the first bishop in thirty years to decide that we should clean out the random old stuff that fills the closets in our meetinghouse. We threw out boxes and boxes of church magazines from the 80's and we found one of the slide projectors that missionaries including President Madsen taught the lessons with. He was super excited to hear we found one and we are going to bring it to him this week so he can digitize all the film strips.

Life's been good. I love President Nelson so much, I am following his exhortation to "study the messages of this conference frequently-even repeatedly-during the next six months."
This has got to have been the best conference of my entire life.


Elder Brown

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